Sunday, October 2, 2016

Winning at Life

The crane flies south. Feel the cold creeping up on the bones. I merely turned around twice and summer was over. Shameful that time goes by so quickly now. The grey in my beard distinguishes between who I once was and how much life takes from us.
Cooling temperatures are great for the woodshop and there's no shortage of work therein. I'm feeling the creative seepage and I will embrace some new art projects as time allows. 3D sculpting studies are what's my main drive currently.
I'm losing weight. 61 lbs to be exact in the last 6 months. I feel better but I'm not done yet. Living by the numbers is what's hot on the streets apparently.
Fattening fast food is everywhere! Good food that is healthy is hard to come by at reasonable prices. The body is s temple right? I'm a pharmaceutical waste bin mostly but I'm better. Stay positive. Stay lifted. Trying to occupy my time with more fruitful endeavors is favorable.
Being in a relationship helps me I think. To edify each other and adhere to structure is nice for a change. I find myself not wanting for anything or anyone anymore. Seems different this time around and maybe it's because we're both more mature. To me it's evident that I'm no longer searching out the adventures of "the chase" nor courtship in general. The damaged but not broken clause rings true even still and leaves room for improvement as a daily chore. The dating game is lame. People are twisted up in knots and sex is a first kiss. Generally I find being a hermit to be a satisfying way of being prudent in making the most of a day. Can't feel like a waste as time ever so quickly slips away.
I'm not a success nor a failure. I'm somewhere in between. I'm grey. No longer black or white. It feels good lost and found and lost again.