Thursday, November 13, 2014


Writing has always been a part of my life. I've not sat down to write in so long. This year nearly ended everything for me. My life, my dreams, my hopes, my world. I am very lucky to still be on this side of the dirt today. STEGO put out it's sophomore album “Void Clear Light” on Nov 8th. It was put on the back burner while I spent the year trying to adapt and overcome the vast health problems that had put me down. Music and art have always been the cornerstone of my very being. 
The thought of not being able to do it anymore was daunting and depression set in. I was in the hospital for 27 days and the man who saved me was a younger cardiologist named Sean Rhuland. He thinks outside the box and knew my plight was dire. Being born with mitrovalve prolapse only complicated the case yet he worked so hard to get me back to my old self but healthier. The 27th morning broke and I arose from the hospital bed scarred but smarter.
 I was hardly functioning and wrestling amidst the demons attempting to adhere to the medication and a new lifestyle. Sobriety was not and remains a concept that is fleeting and adept at hitting below the belt. Succumbing to my many vices has turned my life upside down so many times and I have failed everyone in my life more than once. To admit that was the first step toward the light.
Since that time my awareness grew and I could see past the daily routine of numbing the feelings and being stricken with the pain of regret like black sheets of rain drowning the memory.

All a person can do is put one foot in front of the other and move forward.
To relearn everything you thought you already knew has been both frustrating and beautiful. Stumbling toward the horizon with eyes on the prize. The irony worn upon the disaster I left in my wake.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Downtrodden

It's been a long while since I had anything good to say. The start of 2014 had me thinking I was sick with the Flu and it turned out to be Atrial Fib with RVR that led to Congestive Heart Failure. Not what you want to hear when you are uninsured and have no means of income at the moment. 27 days in cardiac unit and progressive care unit left me feeling institutionalized. Needless to say I'm applying for charity through the hospital for bills there and the cardiologist. No our healthcare system isn't broken at all right? It's pathetic.
Now I am dealing with medications that make me loopy, dizzy, and light headed. Blood thinners require a regular weekly visit to the clinic for blood work until we have it regulated. I've had to put life on hold for the past few months and that means everything including music and art. The positivity isn't all gone though, things could be much worse.
It's a slow and tedious battle to get back to normal these days but I've not lost the will to want to get better. A healthy lifestyle means no booze and no cigarettes any longer. I've adjusted to eating right and caring for myself like I should have been all along. When you live hard it tends to begin to show the older we get. It is not going to get any easier if we want to stick around this place for long.
STEGO is holding back the release of the new record 'Void Clear Light,” I feel we shouldn't release until we're ready to be playing out live. Our new bassist Greg Williams is working out really well and we are rising from the ashes as a whole new unit.
I'm still available to build cabinets and do artwork and I am taking special orders for cabs. I'm not storing inventory due to lack of space in the work shop.
In retrospective I have no regrets and it's looking up now, so it's time to swing for the fences again.